National Corvette Restorer's Society
Central New Jersey Chapter

All Applications must be done online
Club Meeting Info
Please see Calendar of Events for meeting time and place.

Welcome to the NCRS Central New Jersey Chapter
Since its inception in February 1995, the Central New Jersey Chapter has been a dynamic chapter in which NCRS members from throughout New Jersey have come together to share their passion for the Corvette. Our members' experience with Corvettes range from those who have been involved with Corvettes since the 1950's to those who have recently acquired their first Corvette.
The knowledge base of our membership goes from those who have successfully completed many Top Flight restorations to those who are just beginning to learn about their Corvette and thus far have limited their involvement to washing and waxing their personal treasure. In the Central New Jersey Chapter we are kindred spirits brought together through our genuine interest in Corvettes and appreciation of Corvette originality.
The Central New Jersey Chapter is a very active chapter. Aside from holding monthly meetings, alternating between a business meeting and a tech session/judging class, the chapter holds annual Chapter shows and has conducted numerous successful NCRS Regional shows.
We offer small judging groups in which members meet on a regular basis to judge a member's car using the most current NCRS Judging manuals as a reference text. We encourage members to participate in these judging groups to learn more about the Corvettes of their interest in a friendly supportive environment.
In recognition of the quality of our organization and the programs we offer, the National NCRS Board of Directors has awarded our chapter routinely, Chapter of the Year and Top Flight Chapter.